Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ya I reallly dont understand show breeders! they give all this lipservice to health, and then I see time and time again, show breeders who see NOTHING wrong with for an actually example: breeding a dog that in her first litter produced a monocryptoid singletone, and in her second litter had only 2 pups which she was not able to naturally deliver, so then all the show breeders patted her on the back, and TOLD HER TO BREED THE DOG AGAIN and "better luck next time!" uuummmm wha??? or a more recent one, someone asked about there dog having false pregancies after EVERY heat cycle, then asked if there was anthing she could do to stop this annoyence without spaying her, because she wants a litter out of the dog! a whole bunch of show breeders then responding, stating that this is a proven GENETIC condition, and that her best bet is to breed the dog ASAP. again, WHA????? or all these breeders that have dogs that cannot conceive and/or deliver naturally..as they boast about what great breeders they are, and LAUGH as they explain that they breed the dogs with a build so unnatural that they cannot reproduce. IMO if a dog cannot naturally reproduce, then they should NEVER reproduce, period. if they cant reproduce on their own, then thee is a force out there saying "hey folks, these dogs are fucked up, they should not be allowed to reproduce" that force is not saying "hey folks, you fucked these dogs up, so insemate then yourself, cut them open to remove the pups and make as many more as you can!"

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