Friday, August 28, 2009

apperently I am a horrable dog owner. I let my dogs off leash in the city, even my deaf one*oh the horrors*. I dont do the pre-screening bloodwork before a spay, nor do I accept the painkiller. I dont do the fancy planning of the raw diet for my dog, I dont weigh or measure shit. I dont do yearly check ups and I dont vaccinate beyond 1 Parvo at 16 weeks. I am awful, I should never own a dog lol. bullshit. my dogs are extremly healthy(as per my vet that said they are some of the healthiest she has ever seen), they are extremly happy, extremly healthy and very well behaved and well trained, in the real world, I get nothing but compliments for how well behaved and well adjusted my dogs are, and I get shock and awe gasps when I tell people how old my "puppies" actually are, and my vet not only does not berate us for anythng we do, she takes us seriously,she doesnt treat us like we are random public. my naighbores have never complained, and everyone in my neighborhood knows and adores my dogs. yup, I am awful, horrable, abusive, arrest me now for my happy, healthy well behaved dogs that everyone loves.

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