Wednesday, September 30, 2009

hey I figered I would do this too...something I read about deserving the dog that you get...

lets see:

Happy-Happy is damn near perfect now, but she wasnt always, when I got her I was extremly shy and withdrawn, I didnt trust anybody or anything. then came Happy, a smart but aggressive...that forced me to step up, take control of situations and forced me to talk to people, because I could not help her overcome her problems without the help of strangers. Happy and I both had to learn how to trust and how to relax and we helped eachother do that, Happy and I have both since calmed down learned to trust and gotten over our extreme fears..not 100% for either of us, but enugh that we can function much better in the world. toegther we are now a team, we are in total harmony and everyone can see that..we deserve eachother, both then and now.

Misty-I deserved her...when I got Misty I was sucidel, I loved Happy and she helped me through a lot, but she is not and never has been a "funny" dog, when you are so miserable all you want to do is kill yourself? a dog that needs serious work and almost never looks very happy, doesnt really help you mood! then came Misty..a dog that got stuck in strange places, ran into walls and jumped through closed windows, a dogs that jumped 3 feet and ran when she farted, a dog that took a flyer leap into a pools falling over and butt sliding accross the pool, a dog that did a running leap onto a chair sending it skidding accross the floor till it stoped abruptly and her chin smacked the table. no matter what is going on in you life, are really hard to stay upset when a goofy looking dog does all that with a giant grin on her face. I credit Misty with bringing me out of my depression, she helped more then anyone can ever know..she taught me to laugh, she taught me not to dwell on little things, hey why not do something stupid and laugh about it?

Electra-hmmmm well Electra really helped the whole house relax..she broke the tense mood we always had with half our dogs hating eachother. she also gave my head a smack, I always beleive in working dogs, but the show and "versatile" side was starting to grab at my brain so I bought a "versatile" show dog. I wound up with a very nice dog..that doesnt retreive, didnt swim, and was afraid of agility equipment and is riddled with allergies. shes real pretty though! I got into the show world, I spoke to people...people who inisted that working ability was paramount, but when I said to these same people that Electra had no instinct? a blind eye would be turned and everyone would continue to tell me what a wonderful dog I have and requests from breeders who wanted puppies from her. it wasnt until I experienced it first hand that I truley understood just how two-faced some of these people could be.

Rusty-good question. lol

Ladybug-I am not sure what it is about Ladybug, but there is just "something" that makes my heart flutter and brings a smile to my face when I see how much she has changed from what she came into my life 1 year ago, looking elderly, underweight, matted, nails over grown, reeking breath, no muscle tone, in so much pain she could barley move. its hard not to smile and see just how wonderful life is when you watch a dog that was so bad off, experinceing the simple pleasures with such sheer joy and awe. she gave me a reason to TRY, and showed me that a little effert could go a long way.

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