Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What got you into your sport of choice...why that one, why not another type of dog sport? What else have you tried, but don't care for? What haven't you tried but would like to?

hmm lets see, I dont do much sports anymore, but my sports of choice are herding, hunting and flyball.

Ive tried Agility, I still do some agility, but I am not crazy about it, and I dont go gaga over the thing. I really only do it because its something I can do in my backyard lol, I enjoy it with certain dogs..Rusty for example LOVES agaility, and so I enjoy doing it with him, but as far as competing goes...the coarses make my dizzy and the perceived pressure makes me seize up.

LOVE disc but I have no idea how to train the stunts, I just like the simple stuff for a little fun..this works best in a big feild with Happy, because she likes to show off..when its just the 2 of us, she doesnt give a crap, but as soon as someone is watching she is soaring through the air catching every toss and nailing every trick, its funny. Happys thing is the long distance stuff. Misty on the other hand better nails the short tosses and stunts..she loves that sort of thing.

I compete in Conformation..thats with Electra..I enjoy it with HER..but I will never ever for as long as I live go anywhere near anouther conformation dog, I dont care if the lines are "versatile" so are Electra's, doesnt make her capeable of anything worth crap..but gee she sure is purty. no I dont beleive in the culture..the people I have spoken too are so freaking blind as to what they are doing to these no THEY are not the ones destroying the breeds..its all those OTHER people. bullshit. when people say about Poodles "and SOME can EVEN hunt?" when Poodles are supposed to be HUNTING dogs? or if you have to puff youself up and bring out the pictures of the 3 show labs in the world that can hunt without having a heart attack when someone tries to challage you. when you have to dumb down the basic herding test so your barbie collies can get their full Ch. because only 3 barbie collies in the world in the last 30 years were ever able to pass a BASIC ISDS herding test? and of those 3 only 1 was also able to finish in the conformation ring? hate to break it to ya honey, but YOU are destroying the breeds.

Rally-O..I quite enjoy Rally actually..not huge into it, but I enjoy it.

Obedience..ummm the begginer levels are ok, but after that its just stuffy and boring.

Hunting..havent done to much of it since Electra is kinda usless, but I would LOVE to persue it further when I get myself a real 100% full blooded HUNTING dog, and none of this supposed "versatile" crap.

Herding...only got to do it once, but I would kill to do it again, I honest to god have dreams and daydreams about working my dogs on sheep again. I take my BCs for walks wishing a stock truck would break down and the sheep would escape lol

Flyball..I competed for a few years..I left because of the club, not because of the game. I LOVE the game, if I had the time to do it agaian, I would in a heartbeat..I have actually had offers from clubs..they want my dogs lol..people have seen my speed demon run, who doesnt want a 3 second dog on their team? even if she is nearly 9 years old lol. Misty is wicked fast too, but she needs confidence, she was very slow in tournys because she was so unsure of herself, but in practices she looked like a speeding to the dogs on the fast team!

I have done a little drafting, and I would actually love to persue it..I just cant afford it, and my building and modifing skills are next to zilch.

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