Monday, June 29, 2009

yay, Grace and Farley were breeding last night, so finger crossed for Gracie babies very soon!! Grace is the lovley gerbil I used in my header, a gorgous little nutmeg girl. Farley is a big Pied Argent Cream boy, he has already given us several gorgous Litters out of Toonie..including Irish, Bandi, Bilby, Desi, Dylan, Solar, Sky, Lark, Dawn, Bailey, Emmy, Eclipse and of coarse Gracies Surrogate sister Charity(Charity was raised with Graces mom..Trix).

we have had some issues latly with intro's, we had FOUR single gerbils because Trix and Sky were a no-go after 3 weeks in a split they were still trying to kill eachother through the divider! then Bailey and Bandi were also a no-go, after 2 weeks when I tried to intoduce them they started ball fighting. sooo since we are down to 1 split cage(the second broke..the tank not the divider!) we have Trix and Bandi in a finger crossed that they will work out. once they are hopefully together we are going to try Sky and Emmy, they look the same..both Dove girls with the same spotting pattern, which we dont like to do, we prefer pairing up different colours or at LEAST differnt markings, but were just outa luck on this one, Solar and Eclipse are my only youngens and they are both boys, all my other young ones are paired off already(Desi with Bailey, Dylan with Bilby, Vickie with Charity, and Leo with Puzzle)

on the dog front...yesterday before work Steph and I took Happy, Electra(baby), her dog Arctic(Arti) and her son Austin for a walk, then we went out for ice cream. I got a doggie bowl for all 3 dogs, it was funny, Arti and Baby kept swapping bowls, but Happy was practicly laying on top of her's guarding it with her life lol. I had a hard time trying to drink my Float, while holding 3 leashes of dogs pushing ice cream bowls all over the place..Arti actually tried to eat the bowl itself lol.

I also need to do some crate swapping, ATM I have 2 medium crates in use, and 2 unused in the basement, one of the crates in use has no door..its for Baby since she likes a crate but doesnt need one. the problem is that Baby keeps inisiting on using the crate with the door and refuses to leave it..Rusty ended up comming for an inpromptu car ride because Baby was on her back twisted in a pretzal inside his crate fast asleep. I wasnt home so my mom said "screw it" and brought him along lol. soo I think I need to do a little swapping, bring up one of the crates from the basement. I am debating though on putting the door lacking crate outside on the deck for the dogs to use. we are in the process of building a dog house but thats not done yet, Ladybug already has a crate outside until the dog house is done, but that doesnt mean the smaller dogs wouldnt like something, and Baby would LOVE the platform. Ladybug wont fit in that medium crate..its like Beagle size..Ladybug is a Rough Collie mix lol

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