Friday, June 19, 2009

good greif this blog account thing is going to drive me batty. I just signed up yesterday, and I go to sign in again today wont let me. I keep getting a message saying they have no such account...then I keep getting a message saying my passward is wrong(I checked and triple was NOT wrong) , so finally I reset my password, and the picture thing you have to coppy? they were so incredebly warped that I could not even begin to guess what letters they were, had to go through like 10 of them before I could decifer anything at all. finally after a good 15 minuts of trying to login, I get here! good grief.


Ladybug is funny, she is MY baby, could not care less about my mom. my mom got home today and Ladybug looked up from her spot on the deck, looked at her..then went back to her nap. I got home and she bounded to the gate with a big grin, gluing herself to my side shoving her face in my palm. I threw her a toy, she bounded after it, halted..stared at it..and leaving it there she bounded back to my side and glued herself to me all the way into the house. I guess we know who's dog she is!

gerbies....I removed some splits TRIED. Grace and Farley are good, they acted completly comfortable with each other right away when I removed the split. they are now acting like they have been together forever, sheesh. I also tried removing the split between Sky and Bandi...not so successful. they were fabulous at first, totally confortable with one anouther, nothing even remotly aggressive about either one....they were running together on the wheel etc.. then suddenly Sky attacked and they were in a fight ball...thats a really really really bad sign, when I tossed the split back in, they were both trying to go at eachother through the split. I think we may need to rething this Sky situation, she has rejected to cagements in a row now. I dont get it...she was so easy to introduce to Grace, I have never ever had a problem with Sky, I was looking at breeding her because I loved her temperment so much, but that is out the window, she is worse then Bella!

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