Saturday, February 27, 2010

ooooooohhhso, somebody is going to need to restrain me before I wring that bitches neck. the "bitch" is Electra. currently she is being kept 100% seperate from my other dogs. why? lets see..we will start with yesterday...I was watching a dog for a few hours and my my friend walked in with the dog, Electra turned around and attacked Misty..she tore of her legs pretty good before GRABBING HER NECK and DRAGGING her(Misty was on her side, she will litterally being DRAGGED) into the dining room, where I had to repeatedly beat her on the head to make her let go. so Electra was in confinment all day yesterday..she seemed to be fine later in the evening and today during the day....until supper time. I fed everyone all was good..Ladybug and Arctic and Happy are slow eaters so I was supervising them since everyone else had finished, Electra marched over to Arctics bowl and tried to steal her make a point that this was NOT acceptable, I thundered at her and she was like "oh shit" and backed away..into Happy...where she turned around and tried to steal her chicken! because Happy is extremly sensitive, I calmly told her to back what does she do? she turnes around..looks at me..looks at LADYBUG, runs over, GRABS HER FOOD FROM HER MOUTH, wrentches it out of Ladybugs teeth and runs! oooooohhhh I smacked her so hard my hands are still ringing. she is once again cooling her heels, alone in the bathroom..scareaming about the injustice of it all naturally.

I had better damn well get the results of that heartworm test soon, because I want her fixed NOW, before I kill her would be preferable.

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