Wednesday, June 24, 2009

poor Pookywoozel :( Perky is going a little nutty cooped up in the bathroom at the time, but she has ruptured the CCL in BOTH her knee's and the CCL take at least 6 months to heal. there is surgery for it but is $1300/knee, I dont have $1300 never mind $2600! luckly she is small enugh that she barley squeezes into the "heal on its own" weight catagory, so hopefully with time her knee's will be ok. the problem is keeping her quiet when she see's an opening and makes a break for it, runs around the house like a maniac, breaks down the baby gate and runs up the stairs! at this rate she's never heal, she is not allowed to have any exersize at this point in the game, not until her ligaments have mended themselves a little more, otherwise she will just rupture them again!

on another note....its about bloody time Blairs new owner figered out the he is NOT a novice dog! in his new home with his new name (Boone) she has been talking about him and treating him like he has never seen or done any of these dog sports. she treats him like a new novice Agility dog, despite that he was competing VERY succesfully in ADVANCED Agility before she had ever heard of him! then she took him on sheep claiming he had never been on stock before(he had, in 2005, he participated in a stockdog clinic), then when the whole Rally-o thing..guess what, he has done that too! he has also competed in Muscial Freestyle and has a leg toward his first title. he has also trained in Flyball but we didnt get too far on that one because he was not putting 2 and 2 toegther with hitting the box and catching the ball..he just did not understand why everytime he did a box turn, a ball shot out and whooped him in the head lol. the whole thing has just been frustraiting, I mean we re-homed him because he was not doing well in our house, my other dogs HATED him, and he was so freaked out by everything that we just did not have time to deal with it. as well as almost all his problems were in the house and not in public, we realize we made mistakes with him, they are things were would have changed had we known about his freakout temperment in the first place, we thought that if we find just the right home that know all about his problems and is willing to deal with them, and one that will do agility since he is REALLY good at it, then it would be like starting over, the new place would be like a "public" place for him and his problems could be cut off at the pass. great, we found what seemed to be an awsome home with a natital agility trainer, we told her all about his problems..actually she was refered to us by Blairs moms breeder, who we were consulting with about Blairs problems, she was interested the first year we started consulting with the breeder, but had just gotten a pup, a year later when she found out Blair was still available she jumped at it, we gave her detailed info about his issues and she was ok with it, even insisted on flying him up to her ASAP. well she got him..and after that its unclear, she claimed to us that she had him for aboput 2 weeks then one of her other dogs got sick and she had to deal with that, she said she gave Blair to a friend of her to foster, but when her dog got better Blair had bonded with her friend. well according to that "friend" Blair was sent to her only 3 DAYS after he arrived, she told her friend that she knew nothing about Blairs issues and that she was lied to and burned, and saying she had abaolutly no desire to do anything with him. greaatt so now his new owner knews NOTHING about his past issues, believes us to be liers and horrable owners so she wont listen to a word we try to tell her in our effort to HELP. its really really frustraiting when you rehome a dog very carefully and you get burned then continually get burned forever after. his new owner is quiet sure that I am a completly incompitant moron, posts about the past she knows nothing about on her blog, on message boards tells me I have to many dogs, insists I kill some of them, and calims that somehow we "got lucky" when we rehomed Blair. exactly where was the GOOD part in that? the only "lucky" thing about it is that this girl is willing to work with him. we are certainly not "lucky" that this highly respected national agility trainer was such an fing jackass, nor are we "Lucky" that he ended up with a girl that hates our guts and thinks were incompitant loosers, and we are definatly now "lucky" that she goes around telling people that he is a "rescue", he is NOT a rescue, we was NEVER in danger, had we not found a home I would have paid to bring in a behaviourist. had she not wanted to keep him, if that trainer just just told us she didnt want him, we would have taken him back! he is a Rehome, NOT a Rescue.

whew ok, I just had to vent about that lol. talking about these things or just thinking about them makes me dwell on them, when I dwell on things I cant angrier and angrier until I start cutting my wrists, and when I just write things down totally privetly I just get frusterated until I start dwelling and, ya... so you will have to exuse me if I go off a little bit off here, just getting it off my chest!

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